Our Program

The Center for Contemporary Mussar was launched in August 2017, as an independent non-profit organization, after more than 15 years as a synagogue-based program (The Mussar Leadership Program), under the intellectual leadership of Rabbi Ira Stone and Dr. Beulah Trey, a psychologist and group dynamics expert.

From 2002-17, the CCM program took shape through the work of dedicated individuals who shared their unique gifts. We thank them for their extraordinary effort: Mindy Shapiro, who edited our first workbook and launched many vaads and madrichim; Miki Young z”l, who breathed spirit into our venture; Jim Culbertson who created the first website and newsletter; and Nancy Axelrod who served as our first executive director.

We offer introductory and continuing classes that focus on Mussar texts, theology and practice. Students commit for a semester at a time; a complete curriculum is offered over a period of four years.

CCM classes are offered to students world-wide through a distance-learning video platform. Each class is divided into a shi’ur or lesson, and a va’ad or group work.

To learn more about specific classes, see CCM’s Unique Classes. 

A list of our classes open to new students,  can be viewed under Current Classes/Open to New Students.

Ongoing classes can be explored under Current Classes: Continuing Va’ads, Grad and Madrichim, or under Clergy Classes.

For more information, or discuss what path would be right for you, contact us.